

It can sometimes be overwhelming to find another church. Start here to find out more information about The Lighthouse Centre.

Visit your first church service

You'll find the church service every Sunday starting from 10:30 am.
The address is on the following:

Rue van Lint 26
1070 Anderlecht

Sign up for a home group

Home groups are one of the best ways to get connected with other members at The Lighthouse Centre.

Each week, you will gather in someone's home for a meal, some good conversation and prayer. The group also meets to study God's word together through readings from the Bible, Sunday sermons and other helpful materials.

These groups are a great way to make new friends, but they are also an excellent way to grow in your faith as you learn more about Christ and how to live out his teachings in your daily life.

Discover volunteer opportunities

In a world where busyness and work are the norm, we are thankful for the support of volunteers who give their time to make our church what it is.

Whether you do ministry in music or children’s class, have a passion for hospitality or simply want to serve with your neighbors, volunteering at Christ Church allows you to make new friends, share your gifts and passions with others and help create authentic community.

Frequently asked questions

How big is the church?

The church is situated around the average 100 people that come and partake to the Sunday service.

What is your mission?

You'll find our mission in the about page of the website.

Do you have a service for children and teens?

There isn't a specific service for children and teens. The children do go to class during the service.
The teens follow the regular service as we believe it is an important way for them to grow and be part of the community as they are at an age in which they also understand the preaching given by the pastor. Our Teens have a separate moment in which they meet together during the month.

What do you believe in as a church?

You'll find our belief statements in our about page.

Contact us

You have any other questions? Do not hesitate to reach us out through the form.

+32 479 95 01 01
Rue van Lint 26 1070 Anderlecht
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